In between the two movies, Jay thought it would be a great idea to put in my hair extensions. What do you think? I can remember my Jay having long hair in the past, but I must say, I prefer his clean cut look much more!
I can be comforted in knowing that everyday will be a surprise and have an element of entertainment in my life with Jayson. You never know what he is going to do - he'll probably kill me for adding this video, but ENJOY! I'm not sure what his inspiration for this dance was, but he never fails to make me smile.
Once we finally braved the icy roads, we drove straight to Snuffer's and ordered some terribly fattening cheese and bacon fries! I texted my dad the picture below and got the response I should have known was coming..."once on the lips, forever on the hips". That may be true, dad, but boy were they worth it!
And as if you don't see Jay being goofy enough. Here's our drive explanations needed.
Having a few snow days just days after our engagement was such a blessing! We have spent the days brainstorming our dream venue, making phone calls, and enjoying our time together. We never slow down long enough to enjoy every moment - but this weather has given us a beautiful excuse to do just that.